OpenResty 正式版发布

jopen 8年前

这次发布的亮点,一是 Win32 的支持,一是 _by_lua_block {} 指令。下一个正式版应该会有更多新特性。

  • feature: added support for compiling on Windows using the MinGW gcc toolchain to the build system. See the document for more details:
  • upgraded LuaNginxModule to 0.9.19.
    • feature: implemented _by_lua_block {} </code>directives for all the existing *_by_lua directives so that we no longer have to escape special characters while inlining Lua source inside the nginx.conf file. </li>
    • feature: now we support LuaJIT 2 on Windows (in the form of lua51.dll).
    • feature: initial fixes when being used with the new ngx_http_v2 module since nginx 1.9.5. thanks itpp16 for the patches.
    • bugfix: fixed errors and warnings with C compilers without variadic macro support.
    • bugfix: subrequest response status codes between the range 100 .. 299 (inclusive) might get lost in the return values of ngx.location.capture*() calls. thanks Igor Clark for the report.
    • bugfix: we might return the wrong shm zone in the public C API function ngx_http_lua_find_zone(). thanks qlee001 for the report.
    • bugfix: the user specified ./configure's --with-cc-opt and --with-ld-opt might override the LUAJIT_INC/LUAJIT_LIB and LUA_INC/LUA_LIB environment settings. thanks Julian Gonggrijp for the report.
    • bugfix: setting builtin request header Upgrade via ngx.req.set_header and etc might not take effect with some builtin nginx modules.
    • bugfix: setting builtin request headers Depth, Destination, Overwrite, and Date via ngx.req.set_header() and etc might not take effect at least with ngx_http_dav_module. thanks Igor Clark for the report.
    • bugfix: fixed typos due to copy&paste mistakes in some error messages.
    • bugfix: fixed one -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning when compiling with gcc -Os.
    • bugfix: use of shared dicts resulted in (unwanted) registrations of shared dict metatables on all the lightuserdata in the Lua space. thanks helloyi for the report and patch.
    • bugfix: if a 3rd-party module calls ngx_http_conf_get_module_srv_conf to fetch its current srv_conf construct in its merge_srv_conf callback, then use of init_worker_by_lua might lead to segmentation faults (the same also applied to merge_loc_conf). thanks chiyouhen for the report and patch.
    • bugfix: the if_unmodified_since "shortcut" field in ngx_http_headers_in_t was first added in nginx 0.9.2.
    • bugfix: ngx.req.clear_header/ngx.req.set_header: we did not update the shortcut fields in ngx_http_headers_in_t added since nginx 1.3.3 which may confuse other nginx modules accessing them.
    • bugfix: setting Content-Type response values including "; charset=xxx" via the ngx.header API might bypass the MIME type checks in other nginx modules like ngx_gzip. thanks Andreas Fischer for the report.
    • bugfix: typo fixes in some debug logging messages. thanks doujiang for the patch.
    • optimize: fixed the hash-table initial sizes of the cosocket metatables. thanks ops-dev-cn for the patch.
    • tests: removed the useless "use lib" directives from the Perl test files. thanks Markus Linnala for the report.
    • doc: various typo fixes from Lance Li.
    • doc: ngx.exit was not disabled within the header_filter_by_lua* context.
    • doc: a code example misses a "return". thanks YuanSheng Wang for the patch.
    • doc: ngx.var: documented the values for undefined and uninitialized nginx variables. thanks Sean Johnson for asking.
    • doc: typo fix from Tatsuya Hoshino.
    • </ul> </li>
    • upgraded LuaUpstreamNginxModule to 0.04.
      • feature: upstream.get_servers(server_name) now returns the server name (if any) as well, which can be the domain name if the user puts it in nginx.conf. thanks Hung Nguyen for the request.
      • </ul> </li>
      • upgraded HeadersMoreNginxModule to 0.28.
        • bugfix: fixed errors and warnings with C compilers without variadic macro support.
        • bugfix: setting (builtin) request headers Upgrade, Depth, Destination, Overwrite, and Date might not take effect in standard nginx modules like ngx_http_proxy and ngx_http_dav.
        • bugfix: when the response header Content-Type contains parameters like "; charset=utf-8", the -t MIME-List options did not work as expected at all. thanks Joseph Bartels for the report.
        • bugfix: clearing input headers If-Unmodified-Since, If-Match, and If-None-Match did not clear the builtin "shortcut" fields in ngx_http_headers_in_t which might confuse other nginx modules like ngx_http_not_modified_filter_module. The first header gets "shortcuts" fields since nginx 0.9.2 while the latter two since nginx 1.3.3.
        • </ul> </li>
        • upgraded IconvNginxModule to 0.13.
          • bugfix: HTTP 0.9 requests would turn iconv_filter into a bad unrecoverable state leading to "iconv body filter skiped" error upon every subsequent request. thanks numberlife for the report. also introduced some coding style fixes.
          • bugfix: lowered the error log level for HTTP 0.9 requests from "error" to "warn" to prevent malicious clients from flooding the error logs.
          • </ul> </li>
          • upgraded LuaRestyRedisLibrary to 0.21.
            • bugfix: the "attempt to call local new_tab (a table value)" error might happen when LuaJIT 2.0 was used and a local Lua module named "" was visible. thanks Michael Pirogov for the report.
            • doc: fixed code examples to check redis pipelined requests' return values more strictly. some commands (like hkeys and smembers) may return empty tables, which may result in nil res[1] values. thanks Dejiang Zhu for the patch.
            • </ul> </li>
            • upgraded LuaRestyCoreLibrary to 0.1.2.
              • change: updated the implementation to reflect recent changes in shared dictionary zones of LuaNginxModule. now we require LuaNginxModule 0.9.17+.
              • </ul> </li>
              • upgraded LuaCjsonLibrary to
                • feature: now we allow up to 16 decimal places in JSON number encoding via cjson.encode_number_precision(). thanks lordnynex for the patch.
                • bugfix: fixed the warning "inline function ‘fpconv_init’ declared but never defined" from gcc.
                • bugfix: Makefile: removed the slash (/) after $(DESTDIR) so as to support relative path values in make variable LUA_LIB_DIR.
                • </ul> </li>
                • upgraded RestyCLI to 0.04.
                  • feature: now the resty command-line utility looks for an nginx under the directory of itself as well (for Win32 OpenResty).
                  • bugfix: worked around a bug regarding temp directory cleanup in msys perl 5.8.8 (and possibly other versions of msys perl as well).
                  • bugfix: ensure we append an appropriate executable file extension when testing the existence of executables on exotic systems like Win32.
                  • </ul> </li>
                  • upgraded LuaRdsParserLibrary to 0.06.
                    • bugfix: fixed the u_char C data type for MinGW gcc which lacks it.
                    • bugfix: Makefile: added an explicit .c -> .o rule to help MinGW make.
                    • bugfix: Makefile: removed the slash (/) after $(DESTDIR) so as to support relative path values in make variable LUA_LIB_DIR.
                    • </ul> </li>
                    • upgraded LuaRedisParserLibrary to 0.12.
                      • bugfix: Makefile: added an explicit .c -> .o rule to help MinGW make.
                      • bugfix: Makefile: removed the slash (/) after $(DESTDIR) so as to support relative path values in make variable LUA_LIB_DIR.
                      • </ul> </li>
                      • upgraded RdsCsvNginxModule to 0.07.
                        • bugfix: fixed compilation errors with MinGW gcc on Win32.
                        • bugfix: fixed errors and warnings with C compilers without variadic macro support.
                        • </ul> </li>
                        • upgraded LuaJIT to v2.1-20151028:
                          • imported Mike Pall's latest changes:
                            • limit number of arguments given to io.lines() and fp:lines().
                            • ARM64: fix __call metamethod handling for tail calls.
                            • FFI: Do not propagate qualifiers into subtypes of complex.
                            • feature: parse binary number literals (0bxxx).
                            • fix NYICF error message.
                            • properly handle OOM in trace_save().
                            • ARM64: add support for saving bytecode as object files.
                            • ARM64: fix ELF bytecode saving.
                            • feature: parse Unicode string escape \u{XX...} .
                            • FFI: add ssize_t declaration.
                            • fix unsinking check.
                            • feature: add collectgarbage("isrunning").
                            • flush symbol tables in jit.dump on trace flush.
                            • </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> 来自: