C 语言常用工具包 LibUtillery 1.7.0 发布

jopen 12年前
     <p>LibUtillery是一个免费的,使用BSD授权程序员工具箱;一个轻量级和彻底记载收集分库,以解决一般和经常性任务。此外,它还可以帮助撰写可移 植性软件提供了一个统一的API许多非标准扩展不支援所有操作系统上。该工具提供内存管理功能和调试,日志,线程同步,与调试,配置文件解析,哈希表,树 和列表数据结构,标准的整数类型,等等。<br /> <br /> 它具有如下组件可以使用:</p>    <dl>     <dt>      <strong>UAlloc</strong>     </dt>     <dd>      A malloc(3) wrapper with security and debugging features.      <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201505446726180">Read the manual.</a>     </dd>     <dt>      <strong>UArandom</strong>     </dt>     <dd>      Provides random numbers using an ARC4 cipher key stream generator (using the implementation of OpenSSH-portable, requiring OpenSSH, or the native implementation where available).      <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201506192811032">Read the manual.</a>     </dd>     <dt>      <strong>UCache</strong>     </dt>     <dd>      A simple cache that uses a hash table data structure.      <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201506919715947">Read the manual.</a>     </dd>     <dt>      <strong>UCfgFile</strong>     </dt>     <dd>      A configurable (INI-style) configuration file parser.      <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201507653813719">Read the manual.</a>     </dd>     <dt>      <strong>UCompat</strong>     </dt>     <dd>      Provides miscellaneous functions, list macros, tree macros and standard integer types for cross-platform portability.      <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201508394280831">Read the manual.</a>     </dd>     <dt>      <strong>UFile</strong>     </dt>     <dd>      Convenience library for reading files.      <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201509134688666">Read the manual.</a>     </dd>     <dt>      <strong>UHash</strong>     </dt>     <dd>      Bob Jenkins' hash functions for table lookups.      <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201509863019145">Read the manual.</a>     </dd>     <dt>      <strong>ULog</strong>     </dt>     <dd>      A versatile logging library.      <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201510600652232">Read the manual.</a>     </dd>     <dt>      <strong>UPWCrypt</strong>     </dt>     <dd>      Secure password hashing library, supporting the creation of, and checks against,      <code>$2a$</code> type hashes using the OpenBSD bcrypt algorithm (using the Openwall crypt_blowfish implementation).      <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201511342029416">Read the manual.</a>     </dd>     <dt>      <strong>UThread</strong>     </dt>     <dd>      A thread synchronization and debugging library.      <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201512073544193">Read the manual.</a>     </dd>    </dl>    <p>LibUtillery is free software, and available under a very permissive BSD-style license. Even though it also incorporates 3rd party code, great care has been taken to not introduce additional restrictions in doing so. See the <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201512806480462">COPYING</a> file for further details.</p>    <p><br /> <span style="font-weight:bold;">项目地址:</span><a style="font-weight:bold;" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201513542665539" target="_blank">http://projects.kolabore.org/libutillery/</a></p>    <p><br /> 新版本改进记录:</p>    <ul>     <li>For Web services, secure password storage is one of the most important protections of its users after a successful break-in, with mature frameworks allowing you to do it<span class="truncate_more"> properly. <br /> </span></li>     <li><span class="truncate_more">The new UPWCrypt component in this release fills this niche for portable stand-alone network daemons, written in C, that need to authenticate users. <br /> </span></li>     <li><span class="truncate_more">It is specialized to using an implementation of the OpenBSD bcrypt algorithm (type $2a$ hashes), which means UPWCrypt is able to provide a very simple API. <br /> </span></li>     <li><span class="truncate_more">Also, this release contains a few maintenance fixes in the build system and documentation</span></li>    </ul>