ROSA 2012 R2 "Desktop Fresh LXDE" 发布,基于Red Hat Enterprise Linux发行

jopen 10年前

ROSA是一家俄罗斯公司,它开发一系列基于Linux的解决方案。它的旗舰产品,ROSA Desktop,是Linux的发行,其特色是高度定制的KDE桌面,以及为改进工作环境的用户友好性而设计的大量修改。该公司还开发ROSA企业服务器版本,它基于Red Hat Enterprise Linux。
ROSA 2012 R2
Alexander Kazancev has announced the release of ROSA 2012 R2 "Desktop Fresh LXDE" edition, an updated build of the project's lightweight distribution for the desktop: " The ROSA company presents a new update pack in the 'R' lineup — the ROSA Desktop Fresh R2 LXDE. The ROSA Desktop Fresh R2 LXDE is based on the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment and the ROSA Desktop Fresh R2 code base. This LXDE edition meets all the criteria for being simple and beautiful - the simplicity of the GUI brings the maximum work speed. The desktop is based on the GTK+ 2 framework, but some of the components use the most recent GTK+ 3 and GNOME 3 updates. The ROSA Desktop Fresh R2 LXDE features: all recent code and packages updates available by 24 December 2013; the LXDE base components have been updated to their latest stable versions: PCManFM 1.1.2, LXPanel 0.6.1...." Here is the complete release announcement. Download: ROSA.FRESH.R2.LXDE.x86_64.iso (1,039MB, MD5, torrent).
<img src="" title="ROSA" alt="ROSA 2012 R2 " desktop="" fresh="" lxde"="" 发布,基于red="" hat="" enterprise="" linux发行"="" border="1" height="384" hspace="6" vspace="6" width="480">