CoreOS 的容器引擎,Rocket 0.8.1 发布

jopen 9年前

Rocket (也叫 rkt)是 CoreOS 推出的一款容器引擎,和 Docker 类似,帮助开发者打包应用和依赖包到可移植容器中,简化搭环境等部署工作。Rocket 和 Docker 不同的地方在于,Rocket 没有 Docker 那些为企业用户提供的“友好功能”,比如云服务加速工具、集群系统等。反过来说,Rocket 想做的,是一个更纯粹的业界标准。

CoreOS 把它的容器称为 App Containers,里面包含 app container image、runtime、container-discovery 协议等。其中,App Container Image 和 Docker 里的 Image 比较类似,包含应用必需的元素组成,如源代码和二进制文件。Rocket runtime 则是依照 App Container 标准规格打造的,旨在将容器真正的变成一款命令行工具。    

Rocket 0.8.1 发布,更新内容如下:

该版本一些重大的 UX 变化:

  • Arguments can now be passed through to CNI plugins on the command line - see the networking documentation for details

  • The default metadata service port has been changed from 2375 (which had an unfortunate conflict with an IANA registered/reserved port) to an arbitrary non-registered port, 18112

  • The APPNAME field in the output of rkt image list has been changed to the more accurate NAME

  • rkt rm now supports a variable number of arguments, allowing the removal of multiple pods simultaneously


  • New features and UX changes:

    • rkt rm is now variadic: it can now remove multiple pods in one command, by UUID

    • The APPNAME column in rkt image list output has been changed to the more accurate NAME. This involves a schema change in rkt's on-disk datastore, but this should be upgraded transparently.

    • Headers are now sent when following HTTP redirects while trying to retrieve an image

    • The default metadata service port number was changed from a registered/reserved IANA port to an arbitrary port in the non-dynamic range

    • Added the ability to override arguments for network plugins

    • rkt will now error out if someone attempts to use --private-users with the lkvm backend

  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed creation of /tmp in apps' root filesystems with correct permissions

    • Fixed garbage collection after umounts (for example, if a system reboots before a pod is cleanly destroyed)

    • Fixed a race in interactive mode when using the lkvm backend that could cause a deadlock or segfault

    • Fixed bad parameter being passed to the metadata service ("uid" -> "uuid")

    • Fixed setting of file permissions during stage1 set up

    • Fixed a potential race condition during simultaneous iptables invocation

    • Fixed ACI download progress being sent to stderr instead of stdout, now consistent with the output during retrieval of Docker images

    • rkt help prepare will now show the correct default stage1 image

    • rkt will refuse to add isolators with nil Limits, preventing a panic caused by an ambiguity in upstream appc schema

  • Other changes:

    • Reworked the SELinux implementation to use systemd-nspawn's native context-switching feature

    • Added a workaround for a bug in Docker <1.8 when it is run on the same system as rkt (see #1210 (comment))

    • Added a rkt-xxxx-tapN name to tap devices that rkt creates

    • Functional tests now clean intermediate images between tests

    • Countless improvements and cleanup to the build system

    • Numerous documentation improvements, including splitting out all top-level rkt subcommands into their own documents


