
jopen 8年前

Getting Started

Week 1: SOLID and Clean Code

Week 2: Introduction to TDD

Week 3: Working with Legacy Code

Week 4: Refactoring

Week 5: TDD and "Friends"

Week 6: Hands On Erlang

You are free to replace Erlang with whatever programming language you wants to dive in

Week 7: Deploy your application

  • Read The Twelve-Factor App before you start
  • Write an example application
  • Publish the code on a GitHub repository
  • Organize your work in User Stories (e.g. Trello)
  • Setup a development environment (e.g. Vagrant/Ansible)
  • Setup a CI environment (e.g. Travis)
  • Deploy your application (e.g. Heroku)
  • Test the deployed application
  • Continous Delivery
  • Describe your Continuous Delivery process (Can it be improved ? How ?)

Week 8: Refinements and IDD

来自: https://github.com/joebew42/study-path