跨平台移动开发框架 PhoneGap 1.5 发布

jopen 12年前
     <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199139955699999" target="_blank">PhoneGap</a>是一款HTML5平台,通过它,开发商可以使用HTML、CSS及JavaScript来开发本地移动应用程序。因此,目前开发商可以只 编写一次应用程序,然后在6个主要的移动平台和应用程序商店(app store)里进行发布,这些移动平台和应用程序商店包括:iOS、Android、BlackBerry、webOS、bada以及Symbian。    <br />    <br />    <p><span style="font-weight:bold;">PhoneGap 社区今天发布了 PhoneGap 1.5 版本</span>,该版本修复了 1.4.1 中的很多 bug。</p>    <p>你可以从 <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958332457202095165" target="_blank">http://phonegap.com/download</a> 这里下载最新版本。</p>    <p>下面是各个平台上说修复的问题记录:</p>    <h2>Android</h2>    <ul>     <p>CB-75 contact.remove does not remove the contact fully<br /> Missing first line of license in header.<br /> Add cordova.android.js from common-js build.<br /> Update build to use new common cordova.android.js instead of building js from multiple Android js files.<br /> Call js code using new common js way.<br /> Arguments are passed as JSON array, not JSON object.<br /> Add cordova.android.js from common-js build.<br /> Update build to use new common cordova.android.js instead of building js from multiple Android js files.<br /> File APIs should return error code instead of object.<br /> Updating cordova.android.js with File API fixes.<br /> Fix WebSQL for Android 4.0.2.<br /> Adding unsupported action plugin result return if invalid action string is specified to accel and compass listener plugins<br /> woops java type checks! love it!<br /> changing JS invoked from native to work with modular js<br /> Changed JavaScript invoked from PluginResult native code to use new modular JS approach<br /> Unifying File API error code/response style<br /> removing unnecessary try/catch<br /> Return string for root location in requestFileSystem<br /> Prefix URIs for file API with file:/// and persistent storage should never point to SD card<br /> Need to add/trim file:// where applicable<br /> truncating file:// protocol where applicable in metadata func<br /> remove file:// protocol from various fileutils remove methods<br /> remove file:// protocol from various fileutils methods<br /> remove trailing slash<br /> Use strings not objects<br /> trim file:// URI from uri->path conversion method<br /> more file:// URI truncation <br /> Adding unsupported action plugin result return if invalid action string is specified to accel and compass listener plugins<br /> woops java type checks! love it!<br /> changing JS invoked from native to work with modular js<br /> Changed JavaScript invoked from PluginResult native code to use new modular JS approach<br /> Unifying File API error code/response style<br /> removing unnecessary try/catch<br /> Return string for root location in requestFileSystem<br /> Prefix URIs for file API with file:/// and persistent storage should never point to SD card<br /> Need to add/trim file:// where applicable<br /> truncating file:// protocol where applicable in metadata func<br /> remove file:// protocol from various fileutils remove methods<br /> remove file:// protocol from various fileutils methods<br /> remove trailing slash<br /> Use strings not objects<br /> trim file:// URI from uri->path conversion method<br /> more file:// URI truncation <br /> updating cordova.android.js. This resolves CB-283: unregistration of backbutton event handlers do not fire appropriate native method<br /> updating cordova.js to include camera constants fix. added clean dependency to build-javascript target in ant file<br /> Switching headers. Got OK months ago from Simon and Bryce on re-write. No Android Demo code in current project<br /> Changing to CordovaInterface in preparation of CordovaWebView<br /> Change related to FileTransfer, need to get a test going for this somehow<br /> Adding custom headers to upload<br /> Moved the CordovaInterface over to master, doing this before working on CordovaJS<br /> Fix to CordovaInterface methods, DroidGap has the managedQuery since it inherits from Activity. (CB-282)<br /> Reverting interface change, not enough time for testing, need to remove it manually<br /> Putting back the CordovaInterface work after talking with Simon<br /> Updating the JS, even though it shouldn’t be here. CB-290<br /> Rename to Cordova<br /> Fixing MediaFileData problem for MP4 video types<br /> Adding com.phonegap.api stubs for legacy user created plugins<br /> Refactor out the Java casting code<br /> Redirect Issue<br /> Fix issue with document.location.href not calling loadUrlIntoView<br /> Removing extraneous logging from DroidGap.java left over from rebase<br /> Refactoring the checks for file:// into a convenience method<br /> CB-3: Apache source headers in callback-android<br /> Fixing app crash when clicking Menu or Back buttons while splashscreen is being shown.<br /> Tagging 1.5.0rc1<br /> Adding startActivity method to CordovaInterface as many plugins rely on this method<br /> Fixing the call to Media.onStatus()<br /> Switching to require syntax for AudioPlayer<br /> Revert change in location of FileSystem<br /> Updating cordova.android.js to latest version from Apache git repo<br /> Updating cordova.android.js to override FileReader<br /> Tagging 1.5.0<br /> Adding support for legacy plugins</p>    </ul>    <h2>Blackberry</h2>    <ul>     <p>CB-5: Switching license to Apache license.<br /> CB-226 Rename to Cordova.<br /> Delete plugin template.<br /> Properly recognize when alternate simulator path specified.<br /> Add Entry.toURL, deprecate Entry.toURI.<br /> 1.5.0</p>    </ul>    <h2>iOS</h2>    <ul>     <p>Fixed memory allocation warnings from analyzer<br /> Updates for 1.5.0rc1<br /> Update FileEntry and DirectoryEntry to deprecate toURI() and add toURL<br /> Fix NSLog crash in CDVWhitelist.m – parameter order reversed<br /> Update to version 1.5<br /> added german/swedish localization for fix #162<br /> Change Reachability to PGReachability to avoid clashes with other libs<br /> Updated the Upgrade Guide for 1.4.1<br /> Added UIWebViewBounce key to PhoneGap.plist (default is YES) (originally from an @alunny pull request)<br /> Updated README.md FAQ item #5 (upgrades)<br /> Added the German and Swedish resources to the Xcode templates<br /> Fixes CB-149 – Black Bar visible after landscape video<br /> Fixes CB-221 – On an orientation change, the orientationchange event not fired on iOS 3 and 4 (it is however fired on iOS 5)<br /> Rename PhoneGap to Cordova.<br /> Fixed typo, added missing step.<br /> Cordova rename fixes.<br /> Completed Cordova Guides for 1.5.0<br /> Fixed CB-253 – Xcode 4 Cordova-based Application – DEBUG macro not defined<br /> Default GCC_VERSION is com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0 now<br /> Removed Xcode and iOS SDK checks in the installer (for Xcode 4.3 installs which go under /Applications now</p>    </ul>    <h2>Windows Phone</h2>    <ul>     <p>Fixed WrappedXHR with headers<br /> stage 1 – bulk rename<br /> stage 2 – fix errors<br /> Moar renames<br /> Fix issue with single call to get heading from Compass API<br /> almost there<br /> fix for setRequestHeader<br /> Bunch more renaming<br /> removed stuff<br /> image updates<br /> renamed project refs<br /> fixed test project<br /> updated links to older phonegap.js files<br /> Updating templates<br /> add images<br /> new template<br /> MimeTypeMapper is required<br /> custom template<br /> removed bunk<br /> save me re-thinking what the description should be everytime. Note, this should be an automated process …<br /> updated template for bare-bones apps<br /> one more thing …<br /> oops<br /> skip having to rename all the files<br /> update 1.4.1 references to 1.5.0<br /> added templates for 1.5 quick dev, updated VERSION<br /> template descriptions can only be one line… awesome<br /> update instructions<br /> simplified, renamed Gap->Cordova<br /> Removed non-sense</p>    </ul>    <h2>Bada</h2>    <ul>     <p>CB-219 Rename PhoneGap to Cordova</p>    </ul>