执行 PHP 代码的虚拟机,HHVM 3.8.1 发布

cf35 9年前

HipHop VM(HHVM)是非死book推出的用来执行PHP代码的虚拟机,它是一个PHP的JIT(Just-In- Time)编译器,同时具有产生快速代码和即时编译的优点。

非死book表示,HHVM将替代HPHPi,用于所有的PHP执行。根据 非死book透漏,HHVM在速度方面获得了显著改进,比目前使用的PHP解释器快60%,而使用内存减少90%。

非死book于12年十二月初发布了一个博文,宣布他们的解释型PHP运行环境HHVM(HipHop VM)已经达到甚至超过了编译型PHP运行环境HipHop的运行速度。

HHVM 3.8.1 发布,更新内容如下:

- Remove global LDAP requirement
- Don't require libXSLT globally
- Remove the global MCrypt requirement
- Remove the global search for LibUODBC
- Remove the global check for libpam
- use folly::writeFull wrapper for uploads
- Fix vararg handling for array_uintersect and others
- fix error message for abstract type constants
- Fix variadics in hhvm_get_frame_args
- Use poll() instead of select() in XDebugServer::createSocket.
- [hack] Error on overriding concrete type constant with an abstract one
- [hack] Grow shapes more correctly
- Array pointer modification functions (next, current, each etc) can be used on ArrayObject
- Eliminate ext_mbstring's dependence on ext_process
- Eliminate ext_mail's dependence on ext_process
- Use utf8 string literals in zend-html
- Don't allow abstract memoized methods
- [hack] Properly handle 'this' type for methods
- Fix lexing of "${fn()}"
- Fix lexing of #<?php
- [hack] Fix infinite loop in syntax error when closing a namespace
- Fix mispelling of COOKIE.
- Deal with self, static and parent constructors
