Ruby 2.1.0 preview1 发布

jopen 11年前

Ruby 是由日本人松本行弘发明一门免费的、简单的、直观的、可扩展的、可移植的、解释的脚本语言. 用于快速而简单的面向对象编程.类似于 Perl, 它支持处理文本文件和执行系统管理任务的很多特性.

我们很高兴地宣布推出了Ruby2.1.0-preview1。  Please check out the new features in Ruby 2.1 before final release!  * SIZE: 11475553 bytes  MD5: d32d1ea23988399afadbd21c5a7a37fc  SHA256: 860b90d28b214393fd9d77ac2ad65b384d8249cd59b658c668cf0c7bad1db341    * SIZE: 14449544 bytes  MD5: 9df4f546f6b961895ba58a8afdf857da  SHA256: 747472fb33bcc529f1000e5320605a7e166a095d3805520b989e73b33c05b046    * SIZE: 16124069 bytes  MD5: f9bc3f9a10174a022381ce2c60a59e64  SHA256: 28855621f7d364277e7f258d5cc380e005896ef8ebc36e5cbf78d2bf763c291b    显着的变化是:  * VM (method cache)  * RGenGC  * refinements  * syntax  * Decimal Literal  * Frozen String Literal  * def's return value  * Bignum  * 128bit  * GMP  * String#scrub  * Socket.getifaddrs  * new Rubygem    Known issues is:   See also following ths schedule and other information: