Zentyal 3.0-1 发布,网络服务器

jopen 11年前

Zentyal是一份集成的网络服务器,它面向中小型企业提供简易和有效的计算机网络管理。它可以当作网关、基础设施管理工作站、风险管理工作站、办公服 务器、通信服务器或是上述的集成来使用。这些功能被紧密地集成以自动完成大多数任务,并且避免出错和节省系统管理时间。Zentyal遵循GNU公用许可 证(GPL)发布,它运行于Ubuntu之上。
Zentyal 3.0-1 发布,网络服务器
José Antonio Calvo has announced the release of Zentyal 3.0-1, an updated build of the project's server distribution based on Ubuntu:
" We are glad to let you know that a new Zentyal 3.0-1 installer is now available. This installer includes a new compilation of packages with all the bug fixes and Ubuntu system updates since the release of the first 3.0 installer. Moreover, we would like to highlight the following: this installer already includes the final Samba 4.0.0 package; it comes with improved UTF-8 support - this is specially useful for those who are not using Zentyal in English, but please note that if you are already experiencing issues with UTF-8, upgrading may not be enough and probably you need to re-install the server in order to fix them; this installer also allows to introduce your Zentyal account credentials from the beginning of the installation to automatically register your server. "
See the release announcement for more information and upgrade instructions. Download: zentyal-3.0-1-i386.iso (628MB, MD5), zentyal-3.0-1-amd64.iso (641MB, MD5). Zentyal 3.0-1 发布,网络服务器