iOS开源-轻量级 JSON 转 Model 框架,使用链式编程,无侵入

Eileen4640 7年前
   <h2>SuperKVC</h2>    <p>SuperKVC is a light-weight injection framework to convert JSON to Model. SuperKVC has its own config DSL which provides a chainable way of describing your injection config concise and readable. SuperKVC supports iOS and macOS.</p>    <p>Samples are at the <strong>SuperKVCDemo</strong> project in the SuperKVC workspace. There are three sample to show shallow and deep injection configurations.</p>    <h2>What's wrong with KVC?</h2>    <p>Apple provide KVC for us to inject dictionary to model, but it cannot solve problems below.</p>    <ol>     <li> <p>KVC simplely mapping the dictionary key to model key, but many times their name are not the same. For example, id is a keyword in Objective-C while not a keyword in backend, so many network interface response id as a key, in Objective-C model, we may use userId , so id cannot mapping to userId , if we use KVC in this time, the app will crash because there are not a id property in the model.</p> </li>     <li> <p>KVC cannot handle data format convert, for example, our UserModel has a NSDate property birthday , while the network interface response a date string , we need to use NSDateFormatter to convert, but KVC cannot config a converter, so it inject a NSString to a NSDate property.</p> </li>     <li> <p>KVC cannot handle deep injection, for example, our UserModel has a CardModel property card , while the network interface response a NSDictionary , we need to inject the dictionary to card property, but KVC only inject one level.</p> </li>    </ol>    <h2>Prepare to meet your Injector!</h2>    <p>Think about we have the response and the model structure below.</p>    <pre>  <code class="language-objectivec">{      "id": 100075,      "name": "Greedy",      "birthday": "1993-03-06",      "isVip": true,      "partners": [100236, 100244, 100083]  }</code></pre>    <pre>  <code class="language-objectivec">@interface UserModel : NSObject    @property (nonatomic, assign) int64_t userId;  @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;  @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *birthday;  @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isVip;  @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *partners;    @end</code></pre>    <p>Now we need to convert json to UserModel instance, please note that the response key id is called userId in the model, and the birthday property type is not a NSString . By using SuperKVC, you even not need to create the model, tell the injector your config, and it returns what you want.</p>    <pre>  <code class="language-objectivec">// responseObject is a JSONObject(NSDictionary).  UserModel *userModel = [responseObject sk_injectWithInjector:^(SuperKVCInjector *injector) {      injector.bind([UserModel class]);      injector.mapping(@"id").to(@"userId");      injector.format(@"birthday").with.converter(^NSDate* (NSString *birthdayString) {          NSDateFormatter *fmt = [NSDateFormatter new];          fmt.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd";          return [fmt dateFromString:birthdayString];      });  }];</code></pre>    <p>The config descriptions are below.</p>    <table>     <thead>      <tr>       <th>Name</th>       <th>Function</th>       <th>Usage</th>      </tr>     </thead>     <tbody>      <tr>       <td>bind</td>       <td>tell the injector what model should be created and injected.</td>       <td>injector.bind(#Class#);</td>      </tr>      <tr>       <td>mapping</td>       <td>tell the injector to mapping the response key to another property name.</td>       <td>injector.mapping(#responseKey#).to(#propertyName#);</td>      </tr>      <tr>       <td>format</td>       <td>format a property with a block filter.</td>       <td>injector.format(#propertyName#).with.converter(^id (id oldVar) { /* your format code */ return #newVar#; });</td>      </tr>      <tr>       <td>ignore</td>       <td>ignore some property which should not be injected. note that ignores can be joined by and in one line.</td>       <td>injector.ignore(#propName1#).and(#propName2#) ...</td>      </tr>      <tr>       <td>synthesize</td>       <td>to tell the injector mapping a property to a specific ivar. such as when @synthesize userId = userId_, the injector cannot get ivar by default</td>       <td>injector.synthesize(#propertyName#).to(#ivarName#);</td>      </tr>     </tbody>    </table>    <h2>Array Injection</h2>    <p>Think about we have another json below.</p>    <pre>  <code class="language-objectivec">[{      "id": 100075,      "name": "Greedy",      "birthday": "1993-03-06",      "isVip": true,      "partners": [100236, 100244, 100083]  },  {      "id": 100724,      "name": "Charlie",      "birthday": "1996-08-12",      "isVip": false,      "partners": [100710, 100715]  },{},]</code></pre>    <p>We needn't to modify any codes to get a UserModel array.</p>    <pre>  <code class="language-objectivec">// responseObject is a JSONObject(NSArray).  NSArray<UserModel *> *userModels = [responseObject sk_injectWithInjector:^(SuperKVCInjector *injector) {      injector.bind([UserModel class]);      injector.mapping(@"id").to(@"userId");      injector.format(@"birthday").with.converter(^NSDate* (NSString *birthdayString) {          NSDateFormatter *fmt = [NSDateFormatter new];          fmt.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd";          return [fmt dateFromString:birthdayString];      });  }];</code></pre>    <h2>Deep Injection</h2>    <p>Think about we have a two level json.</p>    <pre>  <code class="language-objectivec">[{      "id": 100075,      "name": "Greedy",      "birthday": "1993-03-06",      "isVip": false,      "cards": [          {              "id": 400820666,              "name": "King Card of Unity",              "expire": "2026-03-27"          },          {              "id": 622800333,              "name": "Silver Card of Glory",              "expire": "2029-02-21"          },          {              "id": 623400765,              "name": "King Card of Floyt",              "expire": "2024-08-15"          }      ]  },{},]</code></pre>    <p>And our class structures are below.</p>    <pre>  <code class="language-objectivec">@interface UserModel : NSObject    @property (nonatomic, assign) int64_t userId;  @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;  @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *birthday;  @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isVip;  @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<CardModel *> *cards;    @end    @interface CardModel : NSObject    @property (nonatomic, assign) int64_t cardId;  @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;  @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *expireDate;    @end</code></pre>    <p>To make a deep injection, we need to use the converter to nested call injector on the cards property. To be efficient, we create the NSDateFormatter out of the block and resue it.</p>    <pre>  <code class="language-objectivec">// responseObject is a JSONObject(NSArray).  NSDateFormatter *fmt = [NSDateFormatter new];  fmt.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd";  NSArray *userArray = [responseObject sk_injectWithInjector:^(SuperKVCInjector *injector) {      injector.bind([UserModel class]);      injector.mapping(@"id").to(@"userId");      injector.format(@"birthday").with.converter(^NSDate* (NSString *birthdayString) {          return [fmt dateFromString:birthdayString];      });      injector.format(@"cards").with.converter(^CardModel* (NSDictionary *cardDictArray) {          return [cardDictArray sk_dequeInjectorForClass:[CardModel class] emptyHandler:^(SuperKVCInjector *injector) {              injector.bind([CardModel class]);              injector.mapping(@"id").to(@"cardId");              injector.mapping(@"expire").to(@"expireDate");              injector.format(@"expireDate").with.converter(^NSDate* (NSString *birthdayString) {                  return [fmt dateFromString:birthdayString];              });          }];      });  }];</code></pre>    <p>Please note that we use sk_dequeInjectorForClass:: method in the nested call, it can handle injector reuse for class to improve execution efficiency.</p>    <h2>Installation</h2>    <ol>     <li>Clone the repo, and drag the SuperKVC folder to your project.</li>     <li>#import "SuperKVC.h"</li>    </ol>    <h2>Cache Configuration</h2>    <p>The SuperKVC framework cached reflection result and injector configuration in memory using a 10 limit LRU(NSCache), you can change the limit or clear cache by the property cacheLimit and the method claerCache in SKVManager singleton.</p>    <h2>TODO</h2>    <ul>     <li>Disk cache.</li>     <li>More tests and examples.</li>    </ul>    <p> </p>    <p>项目主页:<a href=""></a></p>    <p> </p>