SqlAlchemy 标记字段变更

songxiao 8年前



class JSON(TypeDecorator):      """ Json String Field """      impl = Text        def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):          if value is None:              return value          elif isinstance(value, (dict, list)):              return json.dumps(value)          else:              raise ValueError("unsupported value type")        def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):          if value is None:              return value          else:              return json.loads(value)      class MyModel(Base):      ...      json = Column(JSON, default=[])        def add_item(self, item):          self.json.append(item)



Note that the ORM by default will not detect “mutability” on such a type - meaning, in-place changes to values will not be detected and will not be flushed. Without further steps, you instead would need to replace the existing value with a new one on each parent object to detect changes. Note that there’s nothing wrong with this, as many applications may not require that the values are ever mutated once created. For those which do have this requirement, support for mutability is best applied using the sqlalchemy.ext.mutable extension - see the example in Mutation Tracking.


from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified    class Mutable(MutableBase):        def changed(self):          """Subclasses should call this method whenever change events occur."""            for parent, key in self._parents.items():              flag_modified(parent, key)


from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified    class MyModel(Base):      ...      json = Column(JSON, default=[])        def add_item(self, item):          self.json.append(item)          flag_modified(self, "json")
