Olive - just a tiny very simple web app framework for Go

JoniSeidel 8年前

来自: https://github.com/alash3al/olive-go


Just a lightweight golang web application middleware


Mohammed Al Ashaal, a full-stack developer


go get github.com/alash3al/olive-go



Quick overview:

package main    import "net/http"  import "github.com/alash3al/olive-go"    func main() {      olive.New().GET("/", func(ctx *olive.Context) bool {          ctx.SetBody("index")          // return false = "don't run the next matched route with the same method and pattern if any"          // this feature allows you to run multiple routes with the same properties          return false      }).ANY("/page/?(.*?)", func(ctx *olive.Context) bool {          var body []byte          ctx.LimitBody(20)          err := ctx.GetBody(&body)          ctx.SetBody("this is your input \n")          ctx.SetBody(body)          _ = err          return true      }).GET("/page", func(ctx *olive.Context) bool {          ctx.SetBody([]byte("hi !"))          return false      }).POST("/page/([^/]+)/and/([^/]+)", func(ctx *olive.Context) bool {          var input map[string]string          ctx.GetBody(&input, 512) // parse the request body into {input} and returns error if any          ctx.SetBody(ctx.Params)          return false      }).GroupBy("path", "/api/v1", func(ApiV1 *olive.App){          ApiV1.GET("/ok", func(ctx *olive.Context) bool {              ctx.Res.Write([]byte("api/v1/ok"))              return false          }).GET("/page/([^/]+)/and/([^/]+)", func(ctx *olive.Context) bool {              ctx.Res.Write([]byte("api/v1/ " + ctx.Params[0] + " " + ctx.Params[1]))              return false          })      }).ANY("?.*?", olive.Handler(http.NotFoundHandler(), false)).Listen(":80")  }


Version 3.0

  • Context.GetQuery now accepts new param called body and its type is bool, so you can get the request body as url-decoded as url.Values
  • Context.GetBody now accepts one paramater, and you don't need to make([]byte, ...) just pass a &v where v is []byte
  • added Context.LimitBody to limit the request body to prevent any memory-leaks attacks while reading it using Context.GetBody .

Version 2.0

  • removed panics handler
  • removed Context.AddHeaders() and Context.SetHeaders()
  • added Context.DelHeader()
  • renamed Context.Query() to Context.GetQuery()
  • renamed Context.Body() to Context.GetBody()
  • renamed Context.Send() to Context.SetBody()
  • added support for html templates in Context.SetBody()
  • renamed App.Group() to App.GroupBy
  • add support for custom vhost routing