MaterialIntroView - 一个示例展示Android

jopen 8年前

MaterialIntroView [Beta]

MaterialIntroView - 一个示例展示Android。Material Intro View is a showcase android library.

We saw this kind of showcase on Fabulous App and we love it. Then decided to create showcase just like it.



new MaterialIntroView.Builder(this)                  .enableDotAnimation(true)                  .setFocusGravity(FocusGravity.CENTER)                  .setFocusType(Focus.MINIMUM)                  .setDelayMillis(500)                  .enableFadeAnimation(true)                  .performClick(true)                  .setInfoText("Hi There! Click this card and see what happens.")                  .setTarget(view)                  .setUsageId("intro_card") //THIS SHOULD BE UNIQUE ID                  .show();


Project build.gradle

repositories {      maven {          url ""      }  }

Module build.gradle

dependencies {    compile 'com.github.iammert:MaterialIntroView:1.2'  }

Builder Methods

.setDelayMillis(3000) //starts after 3 seconds passed
.enableFadeAnimation(true) //View will appear/disappear with fade in/out animation
//ie. If your button's width has MATCH_PARENT.  //Focus.ALL is not a good option. You can use  //Focus.MINIMUM or Focus.NORMAL. See demos below.  .setFocusType(Focus.MINIMUM)  .setFocusType(Focus.NORMAL)  .setFocusType(Focus.ALL)
//ie. You can focus on left of RecyclerView list item.  .setFocusGravity(FocusGravity.LEFT)  .setFocusType(FocusGravity.CENTER)  .setFocusType(FocusGravity.RIGHT)
.setTarget(myButton) //Focus on myButton
.setTargetPadding(30) //add 30px padding to focus circle
.setInfoText("This is info text!") //Setting text will enable info dialog
.setTextColor(Color.Black) //Info dialog's text color is set to black
.setInfoTextSize(30) //Change text size
.setUsageId("intro_fab_button") //Store intro view status whether it is learnt or not
.enableDotAnimation(true) //Shows dot animation center of focus area
.performClick(true) //Trigger click operation when user click focused area.
//If you don't want to perform click automatically  //You can disable perform clik and handle it yourself  .setListener(new MaterialIntroListener() {                      @Override                      public void onUserClicked(String materialIntroViewId) {                        }                  })

Configuration Method

//Create global config instance to not write same config to builder  //again and again.  MaterialIntroConfiguration config = new MaterialIntroConfiguration();  config.setDelayMillis(1000);  config.setFadeAnimationEnabled(true);  ...  .setConfiguration(config) //



  • Sample app will be more detailed about using library.
  • Sequence for MaterialIntroViews



Murat Can BUR


Copyright 2015 Mert Şimşek.    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and  limitations under the License.
