
jopen 8年前



Props with auto convert values

import base.props4j.impl.MapProps;    MapProps props = new MapProps();  props.putVal("key1", 1);  props.putVal("key2", "val2");  props.putVal("key3", true);    String strVal_1 = props.strVal("key1"); //"1"  long longVal_1 = props.longVal("key1"); //1L  Boolean boolVal_1 = props.boolVal("key1"); //false

Default values for empty keys or bad values

int defVal = props.intVal("unknown-key", 42); //42

File props with updates check

import base.props4j.impl.FileProps;  import java.io.File;    File file = new File("test.properties");  writeToFile(file, "key1 = 1");    FileProps props = new FileProps(file);  int val = props.intVal("key1"); //1    //update file  writeToFile(file, "key1 = 2");    Thread.sleep(...);    int newVal = props.intVal("key1"); //2

MultiProps for many sources

import base.props4j.impl.FileProps;  import base.props4j.impl.MultiProps;    MultiProps props = new MultiProps();  props.addSource(new FileProps(file1));  props.addSource(new FileProps(file2));

Enum for keys!

import base.props4j.DefValKey;    public enum Keys implements DefValKey {        planets_in_solar_system(8),      is_frog_green(true),      myName("Evgeny"),      star_wars_episodes_count(999.999d),      ...  }      MapProps props = new MapProps();  int defVal = Keys.planets_in_solar_system.intFrom(props); //8    props.putVal(planets_in_solar_system, 9);  int updatedVal = Keys.planets_in_solar_system.intFrom(props); //9

Expressions ${...} in values

props.putVal("url", "");  props.putVal("link1", "${url}/some1");  props.putVal("link2", "${url}/some2");    String link1 = props.strVal("link1"); //  String link2 = props.strVal("link2"); //

Code examples

Production ready

Props4j has been successfully used on Cheapchat.me and in open source live-chat-engine project.

Installation to your project

Java 8 is required (sources can easily be ported to Java 6 or 7 -- but I'm on Java 8 now :))

by Maven

via stackoverflow

<dependencies>      <dependency>          <groupId>com.github.edolganov</groupId>          <artifactId>props4j</artifactId>          <version>1.0</version>      </dependency>  </dependencies>    <repositories>      <repository>          <id>jitpack.io</id>          <url>https://jitpack.io</url>      </repository>  </repositories>
