
jopen 8年前

OpenALPR 是一个采用C++编写的开源车牌自动识别库,并绑定了 C#、Java、Node.js 和 Python支持。此库通过分析图像和视频流来识别车牌。输出的结果是车牌字符的文本类型。

user@linux:~/openalpr$ alpr ./samplecar.png    plate0: top 10 results -- Processing Time = 58.1879ms.      - PE3R2X     confidence: 88.9371      - PE32X      confidence: 78.1385      - PE3R2      confidence: 77.5444      - PE3R2Y     confidence: 76.1448      - P63R2X     confidence: 72.9016      - FE3R2X     confidence: 72.1147      - PE32       confidence: 66.7458      - PE32Y      confidence: 65.3462      - P632X      confidence: 62.1031      - P63R2      confidence: 61.5089

Detailed command line usage:
user@linux:~/openalpr$ alpr --help    USAGE:        alpr  [-c <country_code>] [--config <config_file>] [-n <topN>] [--seek           <integer_ms>] [-p <pattern code>] [--clock] [-d] [-j] [--]           [--version] [-h] <image_file_path>      Where:        -c <country_code>,  --country <country_code>       Country code to identify (either us for USA or eu for Europe).        Default=us       --config <config_file>       Path to the openalpr.conf file       -n <topN>,  --topn <topN>       Max number of possible plate numbers to return.  Default=10       --seek <integer_ms>       Seek to the specified millisecond in a video file. Default=0       -p <pattern code>,  --pattern <pattern code>       Attempt to match the plate number against a plate pattern (e.g., md       for Maryland, ca for California)       --clock       Measure/print the total time to process image and all plates.        Default=off       -d,  --detect_region       Attempt to detect the region of the plate image.  [Experimental]        Default=off       -j,  --json       Output recognition results in JSON format.  Default=off       --,  --ignore_rest       Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.       --version       Displays version information and exits.       -h,  --help       Displays usage information and exits.       <image_file_path>       Image containing license plates         OpenAlpr Command Line Utility

