嵌入式 javascript 引擎:SophonJS

ygfb 8年前

SophonJS 是嵌入式 javascript 引擎。


  • ECMAScript5 标准

  • 占用空间小

  • 源代码编译为字节码指令

  • 指令文件存储读取功能

configure:   Edit config.mk file directly.     When you build SophonJS on Linux x86 32 bits platform, change the entry   "ARCH" to:      ARCH:=i686-linux     When you build SophonJS on Linux x86 64 bits platform, change the entry   "ARCH" to:      ARCH:=x86_64-linux     When you build SophonJS on Windows, change the entry "ARCH" to:      ARCH:=mingw32    build:   Run the following command to build:      make     And run the following command to install library, program and header files:      make install     If you want to change the lexical analyzer and parser rule files, you should   download and build libtea firstly: https://github.com/gkmail/tea.git And then run:      make tools    make    examples:   Run the following command to build examples:      make examples
