C++ 编码库:FunctionalPlus

nbby 8年前

FunctionalPlus 是一个小的表头库,它可以降低代码噪声,一次只处理一个单一等级的的抽象对象。通过增加你的代码的简洁性和可维护性来提高生产效率和编码乐趣。从长远的角度来看,它可以通过提供易于使用的功能将你从实现控制的流中解放出来。


#include "FunctionalPlus/FunctionalPlus.h"#include <iostream>  // std::list<std::uint64_t> CollatzSeq(std::uint64_t x) { ... }int main()  {    using namespace FunctionalPlus;      using namespace std;         typedef list<uint64_t> Ints;          // [1, 2, 3 ... 29]      auto numbers = GenerateIntegralRange<Ints>(1, 30);          // A function that does [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] -> "[1 => 2 => 3 => 4 => 5]"      auto ShowInts = Bind1of2(ShowContWith<Ints>, " => ");          // A composed function that calculates a Collatz sequence and shows it.      auto ShowCollatsSeq = Compose(CollatzSeq, ShowInts);          // Apply it to all our numbers.      auto seqStrs = Transform(ShowCollatsSeq, numbers);          // Combine the numbers and their sequence representations into a map.      auto collatzDict = CreateMap(numbers, seqStrs);          // Print some of the sequences.      cout << collatzDict[13] << endl;      cout << collatzDict[17] << endl;  }
