图片脚本懒加载 - Lazyload

jopen 8年前

一个轻巧的小程序 - Lazyload,100 行代码。加上一个data-src属性,能够让页面中的图片懒加载、textarea 中的脚本懒执行,有需要的可以拿过去用用,代码逻辑比较简单,也可以自己增强点功能,比如动态添加懒加载监听等等。

<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/barretlee/lazyload/master/index.js"></script>    <div class="box">    <div class="item"><img src data-src="img-path"></div>    <div class="item"><textarea>alert(1)</textarea></div>  </div>

It exports an api to global:

new Lazyload('.box .item');


There are two param your can set:

  • Lazyload.TAG, default is 'data-src', we set the lazyload image 'src' to null, then read 'data-src' attribute. for example:
<img src data-src="THE-REAL-PATH" />
  • Lazyload.DISTANCE, default is 0, if you want to show the lazyload element in advance, you can set it to a positive number;
