
jopen 8年前


Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/endogamia/5682480447/ by N. Feans



Smartcrop.js works using fairly dumb image processing. In short:

  1. Find edges using laplace
  2. Find regions with a color like skin
  3. Find regions high in saturation
  4. Generate a set of candidate crops using a sliding window
  5. Rank them using a importance function to focus the detail in the center and avoid it in the edges.
  6. Output the candidate crop with the highest rank

Simple Example

SmartCrop.crop(image, {width: 100, height: 100}, function(result){console.log(result);});  // {topCrop: {x: 300, y: 200, height: 200, width: 200}}

Download/ Installation

npm install smartcroporbower install smartcropor just download smartcrop.js from the git repo.

CLI / Node.js

The smartcrop-cli offers command line interface to smartcrop.js. It is based on node.js and node-canvas. You can also view it as an example on how to use smartcrop.js from a node.js app.

Module Formats


  • common js
  • amd
  • global export / window
