Material 旋压favorite/star 按纽:Material Favorite Button

jopen 8年前

Material 旋压favorite/star 按纽

Demo Image


allprojects {      repositories {           jcenter()          maven { url "" }      }  }  dependencies {      compile 'com.github.ivbaranov:MaterialFavoriteButton:0.1.1'  }


Declare in XML (see xml attributes below for customization):

<com.github.ivbaranov.mfb.MaterialFavoriteButton      android:layout_width="wrap_content"      android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

Or static initializer (see xml attributes below for customization):

MaterialFavoriteButton favorite = new MaterialFavoriteButton.Builder(this)          .create();

Configure using xml attributes or setters in code:

app:mfb_animate_favorite="true"                 // to animate favoriting  app:mfb_animate_unfavorite="false"              // to animate unfavoriting  app:mfb_padding="12"                            // image padding  app:mfb_favorite_image="@drawable/ic_fav"       // custom favorite resource  app:mfb_not_favorite_image="drawable/ic_not_fav"// custom not favorite resource  app:mfb_rotation_duration="400"                 // rotation duration  app:mfb_rotation_angle="360"                    // rotation angle  app:mfb_bounce_duration="300"                   // bounce duration  app:mfb_color="black"                           // black or white default resources  app:mfb_type="star"                             // star or heart shapes
