
jopen 8年前



Laravel 5

Released on 4th February, 2015


Released on 14th April, 2015

Code Snippets


Popular Packages

This is a list of well-documented, tested packages that are frequently used in Laravel projects. If you're looking for an exhaustive list of PHP packages, then check out the Package Repositories mentioned above.

Developer Tools
Debugging & Profiling
Authentication & Authorisation
Working with Javascript
Database, Migrations & Seeding
  • Backup Manager - Backup and restore databases from S3, Dropbox, SFTP etc.
  • Baum - Nested Sets pattern implementation
  • ClosureTable - Closure table pattern implementation
  • iSeed - Generate a new seed file from an existing database table
  • Laravel Backup - A package to backup your Laravel 5 app
  • Laravel Doctrine - Doctrine 2 ORM implementation for Laravel
  • Laravel MongoDB - Eloquent model and query builder with support for MongoDB
  • Migrations Generator - Generate migrations from an existing database
  • Tenanti - Multi-tenant database schema manager
  • Algolia Search - Integrates the Algolia Search API to the Laravel Eloquent ORM
  • Elasticquent - Elasticsearch for Eloquent models
  • Laravel Search - Unified API for Elasticsearch, Algolia, and ZendSearch
  • SearchIndex - Store and retrieve objects from Algolia or Elasticsearch
  • Searchable - Trait that adds a simple search function to Eloquent models
  • ApiGuard - Allow API authentication with API keys
  • Dingo API - Multi-purpose toolkit for developing RESTful APIs
  • Laravel CORS - Add CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support
Tasks, Commands and Scheduling
  • Dispatcher - Scheduler for Artisan commands
  • Elixr - Node(NPM) package to run Gulp tasks that watch files, run tests, minify CSS, concatenate scripts etc.
  • Envoy - SSH Task Runner
Third-party Service Integration

Development Setup