一个简洁的 iOS 图表库:TEAChart

bgn4 9年前


Contribution Graph

Contribution Graph

The contribution graph mimics the GitHub one. You can implement theTEAContributionGraphDataSourceprotocol to provide data and customize the style of the graph. The required methods are:

// The DataSource should return an NSDate that occurs inside the month to graph  - (NSDate *)monthForGraph;    // The day variable is an integer from 1 to the last day of the month given by monthForGraph  // Return the value to graph for each calendar day or 0.  - (NSInteger)valueForDay:(NSUInteger)day;

There are currently three more DataSource methods to customize the coloring of the graph. Each grade is represented by a different color.

// Defines the number of distinct colors in the graph  - (NSUInteger)numberOfGrades;    // Defines what color should be used by each grade.  - (UIColor *)colorForGrade:(NSUInteger)grade;    // Defines the cutoff values used for translating values into grades.  // For example, you may want different grades for the values grade == 0, 1 <= grade < 5, 5 <= grade.  // This means there are three grades total  // The minimumValue for the first grade is 0, the minimum for the second grade is 1, and the minimum for the third grade is 5  - (NSInteger)minimumValueForGrade:(NSUInteger)grade;
There’s also a method to define the tap behavior on contribution graph cells:
- (void)dateTapped:(NSDictionary *)dict;

Here is a simple sample of implementing the delegate methods after connectingdelegatein Interface Builder.

#pragma mark - TEAContributionGraphDataSource Methods    - (void)dateTapped:(NSDictionary *)dict  {      NSLog(@"date: %@ -- value: %@", dict[@"date"], dict[@"value"]);  }    - (NSDate *)monthForGraph  {      // Graph the current month      return [NSDate date];  }    - (NSInteger)valueForDay:(NSUInteger)day  {      // Return 0-5      return day % 6;  }
Clock Chart

Clock Chart

// This sample uses Storyboard  @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet TEAClockChart *clockChart;    self.clockChart.data = @[      [TEATimeRange timeRangeWithStart:[NSDate date] end:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:3600]],      // ...  ];
Bar Chart

Bar Chart

Just a bar chart, no interaction, no animation.

#import "TEAChart.h"    TEABarChart *barChart = [[TEABarChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 20, 100, 40)];  barChart.data = @[@2, @7, @1, @8, @2, @8];  [self.view addSubview:barChart];
Colored Bar Chart

To add colors to the bar chart, add an array of colors

#import "TEAChart.h"    TEABarChart *barChart = [[TEABarChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 20, 100, 40)];  barChart.barColors = @[[UIColor orangeColor], [UIColor yellowColor], [UIColor greenColor], [UIColor blueColor]];  barChart.data = @[@2, @7, @1, @8, @2, @8];  [self.view addSubview:barChart];
To add x-labels to the bar chart, setxLabelsproperty. Should be just one character per label since the bars are narrow.
barChart.xLabels = @[@"A", @"B", @"C", @"D", @"E", @"F"];
