
jopen 9年前

SolidOak是一个Rust编程语言的简单IDE。它是一个单独可执行的程序,可运行在任何地方不需要安装。See the Releases page for pre-built Linux x64 binaries (你安装 Rust 和GTK+ 3.10).

  •  Neovim 的一个嵌入复制作为它的文本编辑器
    • On first launch, it will create ~/.soak and ~/.soakrc (equivalent to ~/.vim and ~/.vimrc)
    • It starts off in "Easy Mode" (locked in insert mode) for Vim newbies, but you can toggle it off
  • 一个采用rgtk开发易于使用的GUI 
    • Buttons for common editing actions and a project tree that stays in sync with Neovim
    • You can bypass the GUI and run it as a console app by passing the-nwflag
  • Racer 的一个嵌入复制来实现自动补全
    • To enable, you must clone the Rust source code and point Racer to it:
    • git clone ~/rust --depth 1 && export RUST_SRC_PATH=~/rust/src
    • Now try typingstd::io::and then type Ctrl+x Ctrl+o to see a list of completions

