Spring - 一个基于 Swift 的 iOS 动画库

jopen 9年前

一个用于Swift简化 iOS 动画开发的库。


Drop in the Spring folder to your Xcode project.

Or via CocoaPods pre-release:pod 'Spring', '~> 1.0.0'

Usage with Storyboard

In Identity Inspector, connect the UIView to SpringView Class and set the animation properties in Attribute Inspector.

Usage with Code

layer.animation = "squeezeDown"  layer.animate()

Demo The Animations

Chaining Animations

layer.y = -50  animateToNext {    layer.animation = "fall"    layer.animateTo()  }


animate()  animateNext { ... }  animateTo()  animateToNext { ... }


shake  pop  morph  squeeze  wobble  swing  flipX  flipY  fall  squeezeLeft  squeezeRight  squeezeDown  squeezeUp  slideLeft  slideRight  slideDown  slideUp  fadeIn  fadeOut  fadeInLeft  fadeInRight  fadeInDown  fadeInUp  zoomIn  zoomOut  flash


spring  linear   easeIn   easeOut   easeInOut


force  duration  delay  damping  velocity  repeatCount  scale  x  y  rotate

* Not all properties work together. Play with the demo app.
