iOS 调试器:CRChecker

jopen 9年前

CRChecker 是调试工具,帮助你找到循环引用的问题。


It's really easy to use this tool.

Be careful, this tool should not use under production.

If you use CocoaPods 1. Podfile addPod 'CRChecker'2. pod update 3. It's OK~

If you eager use source code 1. Go to Github Download latest version zip. 2. Add CRChecker/CRChecker files into your project 3. It's OK~

Counter will not record system libraries class.

Version 1.0.1

CRCounter will not record any system libraries. That's because, we think developer should focus on your code.

Counter could only record custom prefix class.

add this line to your code

[CRChecker addCustomClassPrefix:@"Demo"];

Only Demo Prefix Classes will be record.

 iOS 调试器:CRChecker
