
jopen 9年前

这款开源搜索工具后端以Go开发,前端以React开发,能够达到极速的搜索效果。后端为每个库保持最新索引,并通过一个最小的API响应检索。目前只支持MacOS,CentOS和任何 *nix 系统,源码仓库只支持Git。

Quick Start Guide

  1. Clone the repo:git clone git@github.com:etsy/Hound.git
  2. Edit config-example.json to add the repos you want:cd Hound && vim config-example.json
  3. Rename the (now edited) config file:mv config-example.json config.json
  4. Set your GOPATH:export GOPATH=`pwd`
  5. Run the server:go run src/hound/cmds/houndd/main.go
  6. See Hound in action in your browser at http://localhost:6080/

Have Rake installed? Steps 4 and 5 change to:

  • Run rake to create binaries:rake
  • Run the binary:./bin/houndd
