
jopen 9年前

Gitlet 是 Git 的 JavaScript 实现。支持init,add,rm,commit,branch,checkout,diff,remote,fetch,merge,push,pull,status和clone操作。

下面命令解释了 Gitlet 的工作过程:

~   $ git clone  ~   $ alias gitlet='node ~/gitlet/gitlet.js'     ~   $ mkdir a  ~   $ cd a  ~/a $ gitlet init     ~/a $ echo first > number.txt  ~/a $ gitlet add number.txt  ~/a $ gitlet commit -m "first"        [master 2912d7a2] first     ~/a $ cd ..  ~   $ gitlet clone a b     ~   $ cd b  ~/b $ echo second > number.txt  ~/b $ gitlet add number.txt  ~/b $ gitlet commit -m "second"        [master 484de172] second     ~   $ cd ../a  ~/a $ gitlet remote add b ../b  ~/a $ gitlet fetch b master        From ../b        Count 6        master -> b/master  ~/a $ gitlet merge FETCH_HEAD        Fast-forward     ~/a $ gitlet branch other  ~/a $ gitlet checkout other        Switched to branch other     ~/a $ echo third > number.txt  ~/a $ gitlet add number.txt  ~/a $ gitlet commit -m "third"        [other 656b332d] third     ~/a $ gitlet push b other        To ../b        Count 9        other -> other

使用 Gitlet 之前应该先安装 Node.js ,然后:

$ git clone  $ cd gitlet  $ npm install  $ npm test
