iOS 脸部识别:CLFaceDetectionImagePicker

jopen 9年前

CLFaceDetectionImagePicker 是脸部识别 ImagePicker,支持 iPad,iOS 7/8,非常容易使用和自定义,完全使用 Objective-C 编写,没有 OPENCV。

 iOS 脸部识别:CLFaceDetectionImagePicker

Demo Usage

Please download all of the files in the repo and run it directly to have a look.

Use CLFaceDetectionImagePicker wisely! Lights in front of the camera will affect the accuracy of face detection.


Using CLFaceDetectionImagePicker in your app will usually look as simple as this :

_imagePickerViewController = [CLFaceDetectionImagePickerViewController new];  _imagePickerViewController.delegate = self; //Show the ImagePicker [self presentViewController:self.imagePickerViewController animated:YES completion:nil];


After the imagePicker take photo or dismiss without detecting any face, it will fire CLFaceDetectionImagePickerDidDismiss delegate function as below which you need to apply

//After getting data callback -(void)CLFaceDetectionImagePickerDidDismiss:(NSData *)data blnSuccess:(BOOL)blnSuccess  {      self.statusInfo.text = (blnSuccess)?@"Success":@"Failed"; if(data){          self.imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithData:data];          self.imageView.hidden = NO;      }else{          self.imageView.hidden = YES;      }  }
