
jopen 9年前


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1. Overview

This tutorial will show how to read all the lines from a large file in Java in an efficient manner.

This article is part of the “Java – Back to Basic” tutorial here on Baeldung.

2. Reading In Memory

The standard way of reading the lines of the file is in-memory – both Guava and Apache Commons IO provide a quick way to do just that:

Files.readLines(new File(path), Charsets.UTF_8);
FileUtils.readLines(new File(path));

The problem with this approach is that all the file lines are kept in memory – which will quickly lead to OutOfMemoryError if the File is large enough.

For example – reading a ~1Gb file:

@Test  public void givenUsingGuava_whenIteratingAFile_thenWorks() throws IOException {      String path = ...      Files.readLines(new File(path), Charsets.UTF_8);  }

This starts off with a small amount of memory being consumed: (~0 Mb consumed)

[main] INFO - Total Memory: 128 Mb  [main] INFO - Free Memory: 116 Mb

However, after the full file has been processed, we have at the end: (~2 Gb consumed)

[main] INFO - Total Memory: 2666 Mb  [main] INFO - Free Memory: 490 Mb

Which means that about 2.1 Gb of memory are consumed by the process – the reason is simple – the lines of the file are all being stored in memory now.

It should be obvious by this point that keeping in-memory the contents of the file will quickly exhaust the available memory – regardless of how much that actually is.

What’s more, we usually don’t need all of the lines in the file in memory at once – instead, we just need to be able to iterate through each one, do some processing and throw it away. So, this is exactly what we’re going to do – iterate through the lines without holding the in memory.

3. Streaming Through the File

Let’s now look at a solution – we’re going to use a java.util.Scanner to run through the contents of the file and retrieve lines serially, one by one:

FileInputStream inputStream = null;  Scanner sc = null;  try {      inputStream = new FileInputStream(path);      sc = new Scanner(inputStream, "UTF-8");      while (sc.hasNextLine()) {          String line = sc.nextLine();          // System.out.println(line);      }      // note that Scanner suppresses exceptions      if (sc.ioException() != null) {          throw sc.ioException();      }  } finally {      if (inputStream != null) {          inputStream.close();      }      if (sc != null) {          sc.close();      }  }

This solution will iterate through all the lines in the file – allowing for processing of each line – without keeping references to them – and in conclusion, without keeping them in memory: (~150 Mb consumed)

[main] INFO - Total Memory: 763 Mb  [main] INFO - Free Memory: 605 Mb

4. Streaming with Apache Commons IO

The same can be achieved using the Commons IO library as well, by using the custom LineIterator provided by the library:

LineIterator it = FileUtils.lineIterator(theFile, "UTF-8");  try {      while (it.hasNext()) {          String line = it.nextLine();          // do something with line      }  } finally {      LineIterator.closeQuietly(it);  }

Since the entire file is not fully in memory – this will also result in pretty conservative memory consumption numbers: (~150 Mb consumed)

[main] INFO - Total Memory: 752 Mb  [main] INFO - Free Memory: 564 Mb

5. Conclusion

This quick article shows how to process lines in a large file without iteratively, without exhausting the available memory – which proves quite useful when working with these large files.

The implementation of all these examples and code snippets can be found in my github project – this is an Eclipse based project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.