
jopen 9年前

可扩展的前端HTML, CSS, 和 JavaScript 用户界面组件集,可用于开发自适应,移动App和现代的Web应用。

Feature rich for modern applications.

Engineered for both developers and designers.

  • 移动优先Mobile First

    Optimized for mobile and touch devices by designated them as first-class priorities.

  • 响应式设计Responsive Design

    Fluid by design to work seamlessly in all resolutions. No more pixel perfect designs — unless that's your thing.

  • 语义标记

    Structured using semantically valid HTML tags to relay information alongside presentation.

  • 灵活的样式Flexible Styles

    Provides no visual CSS styles allowing for easier integration and customization. No more tedious style overriding!

  • 加速动画Accelerated Animations

    Improves animations and transitions with CSS3 and the GPU. Older browsers will fall back to simple display toggling.

  • Extensible Configuration

    Encourages a configuration over convention approach. Customizable options, templates, builds, and more.

  • Scalable Spacing

    Fonts, margins, and padding scaled withemandremmeasurements. Eases responsive rendering.

  • Reusable Code

    Easier code re-use through the CSS block-element-modifier (BEM) methodology, and an advanced JavaScript component system.

  • Progressive Enhancement

    Enables shiny new features if a users device supports it. Further increases accessibility and portability.

  • Graceful Degradation

    Increases adaptability of legacy browsers by disabling or removing advanced features and providing bare bones functionality.

  • Stable Codebase

    Tested in a wide array of browsers, operating systems, and devices. Primed and ready for the modern age.
