基于 Bootstrap 模板完整日历控件: Bootstrap Calendar

jopen 9年前

Bootstrap Calendar 是一个包括年,月,星期和日视图的完整日历,基于 Bootstrap 模板。Please try the demo.


  • 复用 - there is no UI in this calendar. All buttons to switch view or load events are done separately. You will end up with your own uniquie calendar design.
  • 基于模板 - all view like year, month, week or day are based on templates. You can easily change how it looks or style it or even add new custom view.
  • LESS - easy adjust and style your calendar with less variables file.
  • AJAX - It uses AJAX to feed calendar with events. You provide URL and just return by this URL JSON list of events.
  • i18n - language files are connected separately. You can easily translate the calendar into your own language. Holidays are also diplayed on the calendar according to your language

