
jopen 9年前


request('/users.json')    .then(function (res) {      console.log(res.body); //=> { ... }    });

Handling Requests

  • url The resource URI
  • method The HTTP request method (default: "GET")
  • headers An object of HTTP headers, header name to value (default: {})
  • query An object or string to be appended to the URL
  • body An object, string or form data to pass with the request
  • timeout The number of milliseconds before cancelling the request (default: Infinity)

Response Objects

Every Popsicle response will give a Response object on success. The object provides an intuitive interface for requesting common properties.

  • status An integer representing the HTTP response status code
  • body An object (if parsable) or string that was the response HTTP body
  • headers An object of lower-cased keys to header values
  • statusType() Return an integer with the HTTP status type (E.g. 200 -> 2)
  • info() Return a boolean indicating a HTTP status code between 100 and 199
  • ok() Return a boolean indicating a HTTP status code between 200 and 299
  • clientError() Return a boolean indicating a HTTP status code between 400 and 499
  • serverError() Return a boolean indicating a HTTP status code between 500 and 599
  • get(key) Retrieve a HTTP header using a case-insensitive key
  • type() Return the response type (E.g. application/json)
