
jopen 9年前

这个项目能够实现一个显示带模糊效果的DialogFragment。 模糊的部分是通过FastBlur算法实现。

Simple usage using inheritance

If you are using android.app.DialogFragment : extends BlurDialogFragment. Play with the blur radius and the down scale factor to obtain the perfect blur.

Don't forget to enable log in order to keep on eye the perfomance.

/**   * Simple fragment with blurring effect behind.   */  public class SampleDialogFragment extends BlurDialogFragment {        @Override      public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {          super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);          this.debug(true);          this.setBlurRadius(4);          this.setDownScaleFactor(5.0f);            ...      }        ...  }
