JBoss Cache:企业级Java事务缓存集群系统

jopen 9年前

JBoss Cache是一款基于Java的事务处理缓存系统,它的目标是构建一个以Java框架为基础的集群解决方案,可以是服务器应用,也可以是Java SE应用。

JBoss Cache:企业级Java事务缓存集群系统


JBoss Cache将会自动复制缓存数据,并且在集群中的服务器之间进行缓存数据的同步,这样可以保证任何一台服务器重启了都不会影响缓存的可用性。


JBoss Cache顾名思义是利用缓存来提高系统扩展性的,当我们的WEB系统遇到大量的数据库读写时,系统的瓶颈将会出现在数据库端,JBoss Cache正好可以解决数据库的频繁读取问题,解决这个瓶颈。

另外,由于JBoss Cache的缓存是在集群中的每一个服务器间同步的,因此也不会因为一台缓存服务器遇到性能问题而影响整个系统。

JBoss Cache的standalone用法


TreeCache tree = new TreeCache();


PropertyConfigurator config = new PropertyConfigurator();  config.configure("配置文件.xml");




/level1/level2/node1 来表示两级Tree下面的Node1。


Tree.put("/level1/level2/node1", "key1", "value1");  String[] array = { "1", "2", "3", "4" }  Tree.put("/level3/array/", "myarray", array);



String s = (String)Tree.get("/level1/level2/node1/", "key1");



String[] sarr = (String[]) Tree.get("/level3/array/","myarray");

System.out.println(sarr[1]) 会显示2



JBoss Cache的FileCacheLoader示例

首先创建一个FileCache类封装JBoss Cache的相关操作,如下:

package com.javaeye.terrencexu.jbosscache;      import java.io.File;    import java.util.Map;      import org.jboss.cache.Cache;    import org.jboss.cache.DefaultCacheFactory;    import org.jboss.cache.Fqn;    import org.jboss.cache.Node;    import org.jboss.cache.config.CacheLoaderConfig;    import org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration;    import org.jboss.cache.loader.FileCacheLoader;    import org.jboss.cache.loader.FileCacheLoaderConfig;      /**    * <p>    * This is demo to illustrate how to use the JBoss Cache to cache your    * frequently accessed Java objects in order to dramatically improve    * the performance of your applications. This makes it easy to remove    * data access bottlenecks, such as connecting to a database.    * </p>    * <p>    * As a rule of thumb, it is recommended that the FileCacheLoader not     * be used in a highly concurrent, transactional or stressful environment,    * ant its use is restricted to testing.    * </p>    *     * @author TerrenceX    *    * @param <T>    */    public class FileCache<T> {          /**        * The JBoss Cache, used to cache frequently accessed Java objects.        */        private Cache<String, T> cache;          /**        * @constructor        * @param fsCacheLoaderLocation The file system location to store the cache        */        public FileCache(File fsCacheLoaderLocation) {            cache = initCache(fsCacheLoaderLocation);        }          /**        * Create a Cache and whose cache loader type is File Cache Loader        *         * @param fsCacheLoaderLocation The file position used to store the cache.        *         * @return Cache        */        public Cache<String, T> initCache(File fsCacheLoaderLocation) {            // initiate a FileCacheLoader instance            FileCacheLoader fsCacheLoader = new FileCacheLoader();              // prepare the file cache loader configuration file for File Cache Loader            FileCacheLoaderConfig fsCacheLoaderConfig = new FileCacheLoaderConfig();            fsCacheLoaderConfig.setLocation(fsCacheLoaderLocation.toString());            fsCacheLoaderConfig.setCacheLoader(fsCacheLoader);              // set configuration to File Cache Loader            fsCacheLoader.setConfig(fsCacheLoaderConfig);              // prepare the configuration for Cache            Configuration config = new Configuration();            config.setCacheLoaderConfig(new CacheLoaderConfig());            config.getCacheLoaderConfig().addIndividualCacheLoaderConfig(fsCacheLoaderConfig);              // create a Cache through the default cache factory            return new DefaultCacheFactory<String, T>().createCache(config);        }          /**        * Add a new node into the tree-node hierarchy        *         * @param fqn Full Qualified Name for the new node        * @return        */        public Node<String, T> addNode(Fqn<String> fqn) {            return cache.getRoot().addChild(fqn);        }          /**        * Remove a specified node from the tree-node hierarchy        *         * @param fqn Full Qualified Name for the specified node        */        public void removeNode(Fqn<String> fqn) {            cache.removeNode(fqn);        }          /**        * Add node information to the specified node.        *         * @param fqn Full Qualified Name for the specified node        * @param key The key of the node information        * @param value The value of the node information        */        public void addNodeInfo(Fqn<String> fqn, String key, T value) {            cache.put(fqn, key, value);        }          /**        * Batch add node information to the specified node.        *         * @param fqn Full Qualified Name for the specified node        * @param infos Node informations map        */        public void addNodeInfos(Fqn<String> fqn, Map<String, T> infos) {            cache.put(fqn, infos);        }          /**        * Get node information from the specified node.        *         * @param fqn Full Qualified Name for the specified node        * @param key The key of the node information        * @return        */        public T getNodeInfo(Fqn<String> fqn, String key) {            return cache.get(fqn, key);        }          /**        * Remove node information from the specified node.        *         * @param fqn Full Qualified Name for the specified node        * @param key The key of the node information        */        public void removeNodeInfo(Fqn<String> fqn, String key) {            cache.remove(fqn, key);        }    }


package com.javaeye.terrencexu.jbosscache;      import java.io.File;      import org.jboss.cache.Fqn;      public class Main {          public static void main(String[] args) {            FileCache<String> fileCache = new FileCache<String>(new File("d:\\tmp"));              Fqn<String> jimmyFqn = Fqn.fromString("/com/manager/jimmy");            Fqn<String> hansonFqn = Fqn.fromString("/com/developer/hanson");              fileCache.addNode(jimmyFqn);            fileCache.addNode(hansonFqn);              fileCache.addNodeInfo(jimmyFqn, "en-name", "Jimmy Zhang");            fileCache.addNodeInfo(jimmyFqn, "zh-name", "Zhang Ji");            fileCache.addNodeInfo(hansonFqn, "en-name", "Hanson Yang");            fileCache.addNodeInfo(hansonFqn, "zh-name", "Yang Kuo");              String enName = fileCache.getNodeInfo(hansonFqn, "en-name");            System.out.println(enName);        }      }


- JBossCache MBeans were successfully registered to the platform mbean server.    - JBoss Cache version: JBossCache 'Malagueta' 3.2.5.GA    Hanson Yang


D:/tmp/com.fdb/manage.fdb/jimmy.fdb/data.dat  D:/tmp/com.fdb/developer.fdb/hanson.fdb/data.dat


JBoss Cache还有更多的用法,如果你的系统遇到数据库瓶颈问题,可以考虑使用JBoss Cache来解决。

本文作者:码农网 – 小峰