将Android Lollipop的JobScheduler向后移植至API 10+

jopen 9年前

Android棒棒糖的的jobscheduler反向移植到API 10+。所有的jobscheduler功能已实现。然而,这个库一直没有经过充分测试的,所以我会建议不要在此时在生产中使用。我们不能保证这不会耗尽你的电池或导致设备发生爆炸。


The api is identical to the officialJobScheduler, the only differences will be what you import.

First create a service to run your job.

import me.tatarka.support.job.JobParameters;  import me.tatarka.support.job.JobService;    /**   * Service to handle callbacks from the JobScheduler. Requests scheduled with the JobScheduler   * ultimately land on this service's "onStartJob" method.   */  public class TestJobService extends JobService {    @Override    public boolean onStartJob(JobParameters params) {      // Start your job in a seperate thread, calling jobFinished(params, needsRescheudle) when you are done.      // See the javadoc for more detail.      return true;    }      @Override    public boolean onStopJob(JobParameters params) {      // Stop the running job, returing true if it needs to be recheduled.      // See the javadoc for more detail.      return true;    }

Then use the JobScheduler to schedule the job.

import me.tatarka.support.job.JobInfo;  import me.tatarka.support.job.JobScheduler;  import me.tatarka.support.os.PersistableBundle;    // Get an instance of the JobScheduler, this will delegate to the system JobScheduler on api 21+   // and to a custom implementataion on older api levels.  JobScheduler jobScheduler = JobScheduler.getInstance(context);    // Extras for your job.  PersitableBundle extras = new PersitableBundle();  extras.putString("key", "value");    // Construct a new job with your service and some constraints.  // See the javadoc for more detail.  JobInfo job = new JobInfo.Builder(0 /*jobid*/, new ComponentName(context, TestJobService.class))    .setMinimumLatency(1000)    .setOverrideDeadline(2000)    .setRequiredNetworkType(JobInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_UNMETERED)    .setRequiresCharging(true)    .setExtras(extras)    .build();    jobScheudler.scheduleJob(job);
