
jopen 9年前


slex -h  NAME:     slex - SSH commands multiplexed    USAGE:     slex [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]    VERSION:     1    AUTHOR:    @crosbymichael - <crosbymichael@gmail.com>    COMMANDS:     help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command    GLOBAL OPTIONS:     --debug                              enable debug output for the logs     --host '--host option --host option' SSH host address     --user, -u 'root'                    user to execute the command as     --identity, -i 'id_rsa'              SSH identity to use for connecting to the host     --agent, -A                          use ssh agent forwarding for authentication, rather than identity     --help, -h                           show help     --version, -v                        print the version
