Java 8 + Nashorn Scripting + Mustache = 静态页面生成器

jopen 9年前

SPG 是一个静态页面生成器,采用JavaScript开发,作为一个在Java8上可执行的脚本。SPG只有一个文件,带一个JavaScript依赖 (mustache.js),并且只需要你的系统安装有 Java 8 。

SPG is simple: input.json + input.htm (processed by template) => input.htm (result).

SPG relies on mustache.js for rendering and therefore comes with support for sections, functions, conditional rendering etc.

SPG was created to maintain the registration pages for (externalize the dates, show badges like "registration closed"), so it is heavily used in production :-).

You will find sources at github. SPG is open source and Apache 2 licensed.

See you at Java EE Workshops at MUC Airport. SPG is going to be discussed during the Java EE 7 + HTML 5 workshop.