
jopen 10年前


  • 一套基于Web的工具,让学生轻松地创建自己的电脑绘图,动画和游戏。
  • 电脑游戏一个简单的数学模型,设计灵感来自gloss。
  • 能够让学生运行和使用他们的作品就在Web浏览器中,使用GHCJS作为一个编译器。


Building CodeWorld is, unfortunately, an involved process at the moment. Here are the approximate step by step instructions to get an example working:

  1. Install GHC 7.8, since it's required for GHCJS.
  2. Get a patched version of cabal (https://github.com/ghcjs/cabal) and then git checkout ghcjs to switch to the GHCJS branch, and finallycabal install both the Cabal and cabal-install packages.
  3. Get GHCJS itself (https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs) and cabal install.
  4. Run ghcjs-boot --dev.
  5. Check out ghcjs-dom (https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs-dom) and install it with cabal install --ghcjs.
  6. Check out ghcjs-canvas (https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs-canvas) and install it with cabal install --ghcjs.
  7. Install the codeworld-base package from this project: cd codeworld-base && cabal install --ghcjs.
  8. Build codeworld-server from this project: cd codeworld-server && cabal build
  9. Get a Google API key, and store it in web/clientId.txt.
  10. Run the server: cd codeworld-server && ./run.sh 8080.

You can now access the CodeWorld system at http://localhost:8080.
