
jopen 10年前


创建 Rome 日历有一堆的选项可以用。这些选项具有合理的默认值,很容易调整。这些选项在下面列出。

Option Description
appendTo DOM element where the calendar will be appended to. Takes 'parent' as the parent element
autoClose Closes the calendar when picking a day or a time
autoHideOnBlur Hides the calendar when focusing something other than the input field
autoHideOnClick Hides the calendar when clicking away
date The calendar shows days and allows you to navigate between months
dateValidator Function to validate that a given date is considered valid. Receives a native Date parameter.
dayFormat Format string used to display days on the calendar
initialValue Value used to initialize calendar. Takes string, Date, or moment
inputFormat Format string used for the input field as well as the results of rome
invalidate Ensures the date is valid when the field is blurred
max Disallow dates past max. Takes string, Date, or moment
min Disallow dates before min. Takes string, Date, or moment
monthFormat Format string used by the calendar to display months and their year
required Is the field required or do you allow empty values?
styles CSS classes applied to elements on the calendar
time The calendar shows the current time and allows you to change it using a dropdown
timeFormat Format string used to display the time on the calendar
timeInterval Seconds between each option in the time dropdown
timeValidator Function to validate that a given time is considered valid. Receives a native Date parameter.
weekStart Day considered the first of the week. Range: Sunday 0 - Saturday 6


