高性能的 URL 路由C语言开发包:R3

jopen 10年前

R3是一个URL路由分发开发库,拥有较高的性能。采用C语言实现。可将你的路由规则编译成前缀树。 在启动时利用构造前缀树,你可以高效的分发路线。


  • autoconf
  • automake
  • check
  • pcre
  • jemalloc
  • graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)
  • pkg-config

Pattern Syntax

/blog/post/{id}      use [^/]+ regular expression by default.  /blog/post/{id:\d+}  use `\d+` regular expression instead of default.


#include <r3.h>    // create a router tree with 10 children capacity (this capacity can grow dynamically)  n = r3_tree_create(10);    int route_data = 3;    // insert the route path into the router tree  r3_tree_insert_pathl(n , "/zoo"       , strlen("/zoo")       , NULL, &route_data );  r3_tree_insert_pathl(n , "/foo/bar"   , strlen("/foo/bar")   , NULL, &route_data );  r3_tree_insert_pathl(n , "/bar"       , strlen("/bar")       , NULL, &route_data );  r3_tree_insert_pathl(n , "/post/{id}" , strlen("/post/{id}") , NULL, &route_data );  r3_tree_insert_pathl(n , "/user/{id:\\d+}" , strlen("/user/{id:\\d+}") , NULL, &route_data );    // let's compile the tree!  r3_tree_compile(n);      // dump the compiled tree  r3_tree_dump(n, 0);    // match a route  node *matched_node = r3_tree_match(n, "/foo/bar", strlen("/foo/bar"), NULL);  matched_node->endpoint; // make sure there is a route end at here.  int ret = *( (*int) matched_node->route_ptr );

// create the match entry for capturing dynamic variables.  match_entry * entry = match_entry_create("/foo/bar");  entry->request_method = METHOD_GET;    // create a router tree with 10 children capacity (this capacity can grow dynamically)  n = r3_tree_create(10);    int route_data = 3;    // define the route with conditions  route *r1 = route_create("/blog/post");  r1->request_method = METHOD_GET | METHOD_POST; // ALLOW GET OR POST    // insert the route path into the router tree  r3_tree_insert_route(n, r1, NULL, &route_data );    r3_tree_compile(n);    node *matched_node = r3_tree_match(n, "/foo/bar", strlen("/foo/bar"), entry);  matched_node->endpoint; // make sure there is a route end at here.    if (matched_node->routes) {      // find the route with matched condition      route *c = r3_node_match_route(m, entry);      c->data; // get the data from matched route  }
