Sublime Text的Markdown插件:MarkdownEditing

jopen 10年前

MarkdownEditing是一个Sublime Text的Markdown插件。提供了一种合适的Markdown着色方案(light 与 dark),包含强大的语法高亮,和实用的Markdown编辑功能。支持3种风格:Standard Markdown, GitHub flavored Markdown, MultiMarkdown。

Sublime Text的Markdown插件:MarkdownEditing


  • Asterisks and underscores are autopaired and will wrap selected text
    • If you start an empty pair and hit backspace, both elements are deleted
    • If you start an empty pair and hit space, the right element is deleted
  • Backticks are paired
  • At the end of a list item, pressing Enter will automatically insert the new list item bullet.
    • Pressing Tab on the blank list item will indent it and switch the list bullet to another one (Order is *, -, + in a cycle).
    • Pressing Shift Tab on the blank list item will unindent it in the same way as above.
    • Sequential Tab s or Shift Tab s are supported.
    • You can disable automatic bullet switching or choose which bullets to be used, in your settings file.
    • If a list item contains a GFM task, pressing Enter at the end of the line will continue with a new blank task.
    • </ul> </li>
    • At the end of a blockquote line, pressing Enter will automatically extend blockquote.
    • Selecting some text and pressing > will convert it to blockquote. The first and the last line don't have to be fully selected; partial select works, too.
    • Left bracket pairing is modified to eliminate the selection and leave the cursor at a point where you can insert a [] or () pair for a link
    • Displays Markdown headers in the Project Symbol List (Ctrl Shift R). They will start with #, so you will know they belong to markdown files at a glance. Also they will be on top of the list because of the presedence of #.
    • ~ wraps selected text with ~~ (strikethrough).
    • Typing # when there's a selection will surround it with # to make it a headline. Multiple presses add additional hashes, increasing the level of the header. Once you hit 6 hashes, it will reset to 0 on the next press. The mde.match_header_hashes will determine if the # are mirrored on both sides or just at the beginning of the line.
    • Typing return at the end of a line that begins with hashmarks will insert closing hashmarks on the headline. They're not required for Markdown, it's just aesthetics, and you can change the mde.match_header_hashes option in your settings to disable.
    • Setext-style headers can be completed with Tab. That is, typing Tab on a line containing only = or - characters will add or remove enough characters to it to match the length of the line above.
    • </ul>

      Key Bindings

      OS X Windows/Linux Description
      V CtrlWinV Pastes the contents of the clipboard as an inline link on selected text.
      R CtrlWinR Pastes the contents of the clipboard as a reference link.
      K CtrlWinK Inserts a standard inline link.
      K ShiftWinK Inserts an inline image.
      B I CtrlShiftB CtrlShiftI These are bound to bold and italic. They work both with and without selections. If there is no selection, they will just transform the word under the cursor. These keybindings will unbold/unitalicize selection if it is already bold/italic.
      ^1...6 Ctrl1...6 These will add the corresponding number of hashmarks for headlines. Works on blank lines and selected text in tandem with the above headline tools. If you select an entire existing headline, the current hashmarks will be removed and replaced with the header level you requested. This command respects the mde.match_header_hashes preference setting.
      6 Ctrl6 Inserts a footnote and jump to its definition. If your cursor is in a definition, it will jump back to the marker.
      F AltShiftF Locates footnote markers without definitions and inserts their markers for the definition.
      G AltShiftG Locates link references without definitions and inserts their labels at the bottom for the definition.
