
jopen 10年前


    public class PipUtil {            /**            * @author Paul Hallett 10/05/2004 GIS Developer            * @return boolean true if point is outside a region, false if it is fixed            *         in the region            * @param X,Y            *            The cordinates of the point being located            * @param Xg,Yg            *            Double arrays listing the x,y pointlist of the region you are            *            searching in            * @param ncoord            *            is the amount of points there are in the search region            */            public boolean inPolygon(double X, double Y, double[] Xg, double[] Yg,                    int ncoord) {                int count = 0;                double Gradient, Intercept, Yintercept;                double maxX, minX;                int i, j;                for (i = 0; i < ncoord; i++) {                    j = (i + 1) % ncoord;                    maxX = Xg[i] > Xg[j] ? Xg[i] : Xg[j];                    minX = Xg[i] < Xg[j] ? Xg[i] : Xg[j];                    if (X < maxX && X >= minX) {                        Gradient = (Yg[i] - Yg[j]) / (Xg[i] - Xg[j]);                        Intercept = Yg[i] - Gradient * Xg[i];                        Yintercept = X * Gradient + Intercept;                        if (Yintercept > Y) {                            count++;                        }                    }                }                return (count % 2 == 1);            }                    public static boolean isPointInsidePolygon(double x,double y, double[] xpoly,                    double[] ypoly) {                int i1;                boolean isInside = false;                double X = x;                double Y = y;                for (int i = 0; i < xpoly.length - 1; i++) {                    i1 = (i % xpoly.length) + 1; // modulus                    if (ypoly[i] == ypoly[i1])                        if (Y == ypoly[i])                            if (!(X < xpoly[i] ^ X > xpoly[i1]))                                return true;                            // If point is on the boundary return true                    if (X == xpoly[i] | X == xpoly[i1]) {                        return true;                    } else {                        if (!(Y < ypoly[i] ^ Y >= ypoly[i1])) {                            /* point is within y limits */                            double exp = (X - xpoly[i] - (Y - ypoly[i])                                    * (xpoly[i1] - xpoly[i]) / (ypoly[i1] - ypoly[i]));                            if (exp < 0)                                isInside = !isInside;                            else if (exp == 0)                                return true; // point is on boundary                        }                    }                }                return isInside;            }                        public static void main(String []args){                double x = 113.678316;                double y = 34.781784;                double[] xp = {113.658912,113.676878,113.671632,113.659918,113.652444};                double[] yp = {34.793227,34.789373,34.780301,34.77953,34.784333};                System.out.println(isPointInsidePolygon(x,y,xp,yp));            }        }