
jopen 10年前

Sherlock 是一个易用的 Python 分布式进程内锁机制库,你可选择锁同步的不同后台。


import sherlock  from sherlock import Lock    # Configure Sherlock's locks to use Redis as the backend,  # never expire locks and retry acquiring an acquired lock after an  # interval of 0.1 second.  sherlock.configure(backend=sherlock.backends.REDIS,                     expire=None,                     retry_interval=0.1)    # Note: configuring sherlock to use a backend does not limit you  # another backend at the same time. You can import backend specific locks  # like RedisLock, MCLock and EtcdLock and use them just the same way you  # use a generic lock (see below). In fact, the generic Lock provided by  # sherlock is just a proxy that uses these specific locks under the hood.    # acquire a lock called my_lock  lock = Lock('my_lock')    # acquire a blocking lock  lock.acquire()    # check if the lock has been acquired or not  lock.locked() == True    # release the lock  lock.release()
