列表搜索插件:jQuery Searcher Plugin

jopen 10年前

jQuery Searcher Plugin这个插件能够为任何列表类型的数据提供包含输入框的搜索功能。
列表搜索插件:jQuery Searcher Plugin

Name Type Description
itemSelector string jQuery selector for the data item element (e.g. tr, li).
Default: "tbody > tr"
textSelector string jQuery selector for the element which contains the text within the item element.
If not specified the data item element is used instead.
Default: "td"
inputSelector string jQuery selector for the input element which is used to filter the data.
Default: ""
caseSensitive bool Determines whether the search should be case sensitive or not.
Default: false
toggle function this function is called for each data item element when the text in the input changes.
it is called with the data item element and a boolean value indicating whether the item contains the text or not.
Default: function(item, containsText) { $(item).toggle(containsText); }
