PHP5 文件系统抽象层:Gaufrette

jopen 10年前

Gaufrette 提供了一个文件系统的抽象层的PHP5库。它使得以相同方式操控本地文件,FTP服务器,亚马逊 S3等等。它允许你开发程序时,不用了解未来你将怎么访问你的文件。

下面是如何缓存一个ftp文件系统的示例:    <?php    use Gaufrette\Filesystem;  use Gaufrette\Adapter\Ftp as FtpAdapter;  use Gaufrette\Adapter\Local as LocalAdapter;  use Gaufrette\Adapter\Cache as CacheAdapter;    // Locale Cache-Directory (e.g. '%kernel.root_dir%/cache/%kernel.environment%/filesystem') with create = true  $local = new LocalAdapter($cacheDirectory, true);  // FTP Adapter with a defined root-path  $ftp = new FtpAdapter($path, $host, $username, $password, $port);    // Cached Adapter with 3600 seconds time to live  $cachedFtp = new CacheAdapter($ftp, $local, 3600);    $filesystem = new Filesystem($cachedFtp);
