来自 非死book的Java物理和动画库:Rebound

jopen 10年前

Rebound 是一个来自 非死book 公司的 Java物理和动画库。Rebound spring 模型可用于创建动画,让你感觉很自然。通过引入真实世界的物理到应用程序。


    // Create a system to run the physics loop for a set of springs.      SpringSystem springSystem = SpringSystem.create();        // Add a spring to the system.      Spring spring = springSystem.createSpring();        // Add a listener to observe the motion of the spring.      spring.addListener(new SimpleSpringListener() {          @Override        public void onSpringUpdate(Spring spring) {          // You can observe the updates in the spring           // state by asking its current value in onSpringUpdate.          float value = (float) spring.getCurrentValue();          float scale = 1f - (value * 0.5f);          myView.setScaleX(scale);          myView.setScaleY(scale);        }        });        // Set the spring in motion; moving from 0 to 1      spring.setEndValue(1);
