
jopen 10年前

jsdifflib 是一个用来比较文本差异的 JavaScript 库,并使用 HTML 生成差异报告。

function diffUsingJS() {      // get the baseText and newText values from the two textboxes, and split them into lines      var base = difflib.stringAsLines($("baseText").value);      var newtxt = difflib.stringAsLines($("newText").value);        // create a SequenceMatcher instance that diffs the two sets of lines      var sm = new difflib.SequenceMatcher(base, newtxt);        // get the opcodes from the SequenceMatcher instance      // opcodes is a list of 3-tuples describing what changes should be made to the base text      // in order to yield the new text      var opcodes = sm.get_opcodes();      var diffoutputdiv = $("diffoutput");      while (diffoutputdiv.firstChild) diffoutputdiv.removeChild(diffoutputdiv.firstChild);      var contextSize = $("contextSize").value;      contextSize = contextSize ? contextSize : null;        // build the diff view and add it to the current DOM      diffoutputdiv.appendChild(diffview.buildView({          baseTextLines: base,          newTextLines: newtxt,          opcodes: opcodes,          // set the display titles for each resource          baseTextName: "Base Text",          newTextName: "New Text",          contextSize: contextSize,          viewType: $("inline").checked ? 1 : 0      }));        // scroll down to the diff view window.      location = url + "#diff";  }
