
jopen 10年前

nats 是一个轻量级的云消息系统,使用 Ruby 开发。支持:

  • MRI 1.8 and 1.9 (Performance is best on 1.9.3)
  • Rubinius
  • JRuby


require "nats/client"    NATS.start do      # Simple Subscriber    NATS.subscribe('foo') { |msg| puts "Msg received : '#{msg}'" }      # Simple Publisher    NATS.publish('foo.bar.baz', 'Hello World!')      # Unsubscribing    sid = NATS.subscribe('bar') { |msg| puts "Msg received : '#{msg}'" }    NATS.unsubscribe(sid)      # Requests    NATS.request('help') { |response| puts "Got a response: '#{response}'" }      # Replies    NATS.subscribe('help') { |msg, reply| NATS.publish(reply, "I'll help!") }      # Stop using NATS.stop, exits EM loop if NATS.start started the loop    NATS.stop    end
