操作 Git 资料库的Ruby开源项目:Ruby/Git

jopen 11年前

Ruby/Git 是一个 Ruby 库可用来创建、操作 Git 资料库。它是通过封装了系统命令调用的方式实现的。


     g.with_temp_index do           g.read_tree(tree3) # calls self.index.read_tree         g.read_tree(tree1, :prefix => 'hi/')           c = g.commit_tree('message')         # or #         t = g.write_tree         c = g.commit_tree(t, :message => 'message', :parents => [sha1, sha2])           g.branch('branch_name').update_ref(c)         g.update_ref(branch, c)           g.with_temp_working do # new blank working directory           g.checkout           g.checkout(another_index)           g.commit # commits to temp_index         end       end         g.set_index('/path/to/index')           g.with_index(path) do         # calls set_index, then switches back after       end         g.with_working(dir) do       # calls set_working, then switches back after       end         g.with_temp_working(dir) do         g.checkout_index(:prefix => dir, :path_limiter => path)         # do file work         g.commit # commits to index       end
