
jopen 11年前

Rainbows! 是一个为 Rack 应用而开发的 HTTP 服务器,基于 Unicorn 。主要为一些长时间请求和慢速的客户端而设计。

  • Designed for Rack, the standard for modern Ruby HTTP applications.

  • Built on Unicorn, inheriting its process/socket management features such as transparent upgrades and Ruby configuration DSL.

  • As with Unicorn, it is able to stream large request bodies off the socket to the application while the client is still uploading. Since Rainbows! can handle slow clients, this feature is more useful than it is with Unicorn.

  • Combines heavyweight concurrency (worker processes) with lightweight concurrency (Events/Fibers/Actors/Threads), allowing CPU/memory/disk to be scaled independently of client connections. More concurrency models (listed in the TODO) will be supported as we find time for them.

  • We give you lots of options with more on the way.
